🔐 Level 9: God ✨

You’ve reached Level 9! 🧩 This level involves a Transposition Cipher.

🔍 Challenge Objective

Decode the message by reordering the letters within each block of four.

🧩 Hints to Get You Started

  1. The message was encrypted by rearranging letters within four-letter blocks.
  2. Swap letters in each block to restore the original words.
  3. Example: For “hsti siht a tset,” rearrange to “this is a test.”

🔢 Cipher Text

Ciphered message:
glee, hwd ensa swht fiwn yays odfo uryo eorl

  1. Hint: Shift each letter back by 3 to reveal the message.
  2. Hint: Trust that each word will form a coherent sentence after decryption.

📝 Submit Your Answer

Once you’ve cracked the code, submit your answer here:

Chat Box Demo

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