🔐 Level 10: SIGMA 🌌

Welcome to the final level—Level 10! 🧩 This last challenge uses a Substitution Cipher to test your skill.

🔍 Challenge Objective

Decode the message by figuring out the consistent letter substitutions.

🧩 Hints to Get You Started

  1. Each letter has been replaced by a different letter consistently across the message.
  2. Look for frequently occurring letters and common short words in English to help deduce substitutions.
  3. If “X” = “A” in one part of the message, “X” will be “A” throughout.

🔢 Cipher Text

Ciphered message:
Jznv, Lzx bu rld zvym? Zm zl kx bvzub sld zn jlhv!

  1. Hint: Start with common letters like “e,” “a,” and “t” for decoding.
  2. Hint: Once you identify a few letters, the rest should start to fit into place.

📝 Submit Your Answer

Once you’ve cracked the code, submit your answer here:

Chat Box Demo

This is a basic chat box rendered with HTML inside Markdown.

This is a simple interactive chat box. Type a message and hit “Send” or press “Enter” to see it displayed.