- Discuss new developments in art and sprites
- Loading screen finalized
- Intro screen finalized
- Working on text boxes with portraits
- Made movement more fluid
- Set up make for chromebooks
- Present the overall game version that we’re on
- Discuss finalized collision code
- Explain work process with the overlapping rectangles
- Explain finalized template notebooks for classes
- Will be implemented later on when we are dealing with multiple collision zones
- Right now we are still just dealing with one collision zone so classes aren’t necessary
- Still working on how to implement it (update depending on where we’re at Thursday)
- Show background changing function
- Uses existing collision logic to switch the background when collision is detected within a certain zone
Plans for Next Week
- We want to start adding in a lot more backgrounds that we can change between with collision
- This is where classes will start to come into play since we are going to have a ton of load zones and collision areas
- Hoping to be done with all of out artwork either next week or the week after so Dean can help a bit more with front end developing
- We will start work on developing the actual pokemort part of the game and the whole “catching” aspect
- Character interactions will also be added using collisions