What We Want to Showcase

  • Changing backgrounds with loadZones
    • Classes if we have multiple loadZones at this point
  • Completed collision zones
    • Show the id and process for defining each one
  • Character animation
  • NPCs
  • Interaction
    • Show and explain how this relates to OOP
  • All aspects of documentation
    • Time box
    • Issues
    • Plans
    • Edited REAME.md


  • Focus is documentation
    • Mix of gitub.io and github.com
    • Show updated REAME.md


  • Show completed title screen and new sprite
  • Show interaction code either in make if not completed or gituhb.io if pushed


  • Adding Mort sprite onto the canvas and working with Dean to implement dialogue


  • Show all aspects of implementation
    • Highlight OOP areas
    • Show process of writing out each collision zone
    • Showcase changing backgrounds
    • Showcase NPC interactions if present